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What the future holds for Strata Managers

The times, they are a-changin’. Here’s what the future may look like for apartment blocks and the people who manage them.

Like every industry, the world of property is not immune to change. Things have a way of getting more convenient but also more complex, especially with the so-called fourth industrial revolution bringing everything online.

As well as technology turning everything digital, sustainability will be at the forefront of apartment construction and management in the future. Here are some of the ways things will change in the coming years:

Sustainability ratings will matter

Even now, homebuyers are taking environmental friendliness and sustainability into account when making purchasing decisions. Properties which are good to the planet are not only in demand as a trend, savvy buyers know they will be able to save money by living in them. For example, the right ‘passive design’ can improve a building’s natural insulation, keeping it warm in winter and cool in summer without the need for heating or air conditioning.

For existing buildings, investigating solar power and natural insulation options can improve a building’s sustainability rating. In outdoor areas, rainwater catchment systems can have the garden looking lush. For communal spaces, low-energy use LED light bulbs and shared laundry facilities with good water ratings will appeal to buyers and tenants alike.

In Sydney, the city’s first battery powered apartment block recently hit the headlines. The student housing co-op known as Stucco has reported a 55 per cent drop in electricity bills. With this kind of saving, it makes sense to predict strata managers will be adding ‘battery repairman’ to their list of contacts in the near future!

High-tech blocks

‘Smart’ gardening systems only water the plants when it hasn’t been raining after measuring soil quality electronically. This kind of technology frees up people’s time and money, and is already being used by homeowners and building managers around the world.

Clever sprinklers are merely the tip of the iceberg. Automated vacuums and polishers can be programmed to clean floors. Connected alarm systems can notify strata managers instantly if there is a threat to common property. For a strata manager, the stress of finding people to do the job will be replaced with the stress of getting the equipment to work the way it should.

Beyond what’s already happening, so many changes are on the horizon. For example, as strata manager, you may one day find yourself being responsible for the management of your block’s self-driving vehicle fleet. Safe and intelligent, this technology will finally begin to reduce the demand for extra parking spaces.

Here’s another interesting picture: rooftop landing pads. These will accommodate residents who are arriving home from work in their self-flying drones. As strata manager, you’ll need to work with people to organise take-off and landing schedules (congratulations, you’re now an air traffic controller!) This may seem far off but architects are already drawing up plans for buildings with these features.

According to the ‘apartment of the future’ designs, your role as strata manager may also involve monitoring how much energy the walls of your building have been able to harvest from the sun and the wind and making sure these systems are kept operational.

The return of community

What is really interesting about the evolution of apartment block living is that current designs are inspired by days gone by. Instead of creating completely siloed living spaces, the pendulum is swinging in the other direction. Modern designs feature low balcony walls, communal areas and shared vegetable patches to encourage a true sense of community and hopefully instill a culture of friendliness and cooperation.

New technology, closer communities and the pressure to create sustainable ways of living can add to the to-do list for strata managers. However, it also results in properties which are in demand and which people will be willing to pay a premium to live in.

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